MoneyRiskAnalysis – Borsadocchiaperti

S'ode un grido nella vallata. Rabbrividiscono le fronde degli alberi, suonate le campane, il falco è di nuovo a caccia!

I like Start Trek.
And if you like Star Trek or if you hear about, probably you know Borg.

Borg are an humanoid culture that live in space, half machine and half humanoide (more machine than humanoide), with a single mind that is their queen. Every borg knows exactly everything “the mind” knows. The Borg goal is to destroy other cultures after take their biological and technological knowledge.

Their motto is: “We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.” Resistance is futile”.

This words make me laugh thinking about market bullishness and market month’s data.

SP500 +1,81
NIKKEI +11,80
NASDAQ 100 +2,44
CAC +3,36
DAX +1,52
IBEX +6,32
SMI +1,18
GOLD -7,55

The market is bullish, indipendently from macro data, gdp, credit crunch, bank risks, politics, international problems. Market go high and high and equity destroy every technical resistance day by day. Resitance is futile, you know …

Also, i think about the little group of bearish investors and traders (they like old model and common sense …)
that sees decorellation became correlation, correlation became decorrelation,  bubble pumping, large cap equity lost 10% in a day, bank equities moving like small cap, national index go high like elio baloons, index that destroy every resistance, gov bond trader like free risk assetts, central banks pumping money like fire mans pumps water. Every day this group lost some members, that are assimilated in “bullish” borg army.

And here are the borg: “We are bulls, you will be assimilated. Your bearish life and technical old model will be added to our own. Resistance is futile

Will be Picard be here to save us another time? If yes, when?

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Aforisma della settimana
“Lose your opinion, not your money!” (“Perdi le tue opinioni, non i tuoi soldi.”) Anonimo

Categories: Senza categoria

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  • Nassim Taleb

    "... ma nella mia esperienza non sono mai stato coinvolto in un incidente degno di questo nome. Non ho mai visto una nave in difficoltà sulle rotte che ho percorso, non ho mai visto un naufragio. Né vi sono stato coinvolto io stesso e neppure mi sono mai trovato in una situazione che minacciasse di trasformarsi in un disastro." 1907 E.I.Smith, comandante del Titanic, dal Cigno Nero
  • Massime dalla Finanza

    "Regola n° 1: non perdere mai denaro. Regola n°2: non dimenticare mai la regola n°1" W. Buffett

    "È meglio avere quasi ragione che completamente torto" W. Buffett

    Non è importante che tu abbia ragione o torto, ma quanti soldi si fanno quando hai ragione e quanto si perde quando si ha torto. G. Soros

    Il nemico principale dell'investitore è probabile che sia se stesso. B. Graham
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     Consulenza Vincente

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